new south wales

powered by transit systems nsw


Transit Systems NSW operates three of Sydney’s metropolitan bus contract regions – Region 2, covering the Liverpool and Macarthur areas; Region 3, covering the Parramatta, Liverpool and Bankstown areas; and Region 6, covering the Inner West of Sydney, which includes a permanent and fully integrated On Demand service.

With 11 depots, located in Bankstown, Bradbury, Burwood, Hoxton Park, Kingsgrove, Leichhardt, Macquarie Fields, Smeaton Grange, Smithfield, South Granville, and Tempe, Transit Systems NSW is proudly Sydney’s largest bus operator.


customer information


Bus timetables & Maps

The simplest way to plan your trip is on or using the Trip Planner located on this page.

School Buses

School Bus Services

Plan your trip

You can plan your trip to or from school by visiting Transport Info. The Trip Planner feature includes all public transport services operating throughout Sydney and surrounds – on metro, trains, buses, ferries and light rail – and includes real time and service disruption information. You can also download an app to view transport options while you're on the move.

Details of trips operated by Transit Systems to or from local schools can be viewed by clicking on the ‘Find Your School’ link below. If your school isn’t listed, or if the bus services shown don’t match your needs, please plan your trip at Transport Info.

School Student Travel

The School Opal card gives eligible students free or discounted travel between home and school using metro, train, bus, ferry and light rail services. In return, we ask that you tap on and tap off every time when travelling on public transport to and from school. Details of the School Student Transport Scheme are available at Transport Info.

Lost Property

Lost Property

If you have left an item on board one of our vehicles please contact:


smithfield DEPOT

Phone: (02) 8778 5800
In Person: 49 Percival Road, Smithfield, NSW 2164
Hours: 8am - 4pm, weekdays

Leichhardt Depot

Phone: (02) 8118 7102
In Person: 230-240 Balmain Rd, Leichhardt NSW 2040
Hours: 8am - 4pm, weekdays


Phone: (02) 8118 7102
In Person: 5 Anzac Avenue, Smeaton Grange NSW 2040
Hours: 8am - 4pm, weekdays



Please note lost property will be kept for a maximum of 1 month (except food items).

On Demand


BRIDJ is an agile On Demand service that aims to make bus transport more efficient, friendly and responsive. The Inner West BRIDJ service is permanent and fully integrated with the existing public transport network to deliver more travel options for the community. The BRIDJ team is building technology, crunching data, planning services and driving safely to ensure your bus journey is more direct, convenient and comfortable.

BRIDJ is connecting inner west Sydney within:

  • Canada Bay

  • Concord

  • Strathfield

  • Rhodes

  • Burwood

  • and more 

Opal card

Opal card

Paper tickets are no longer sold or accepted on trains, buses, ferries and light rail within the Opal network. To travel on public transport in Sydney and surrounding regions, you will need an Opal card or an Opal single bus ticket. If you don’t have your Opal card, you will be able to purchase an Opal single bus ticket from the driver on board buses (except on pre-paid services).

Our Promise

our customer promise

At Transit Systems, customer service means exceeding our customers’ expectations at every step of the customer journey. That means listening to, anticipating and responding to our customers’ needs. The customer is at the heart of everything we do. All staff undertake our dedicated Customer Service Training to ensure our customer service values are strong across every part of our business - from the vehicle mechanics who ensure our buses run smoothly, to the cleaners who keep our buses clean and tidy, and our drivers who ensure you get to where you need to go safely and efficiently.


We strive to provide a brilliant experience to every customer who travels with us. As part of our dedicated Customer Service Training, we use Customer Journey Mapping to provide our staff with a visual story of the customers’ interactions with us so we can understand their frustrations and what makes their journey seamless and enjoyable.

Policies & Plans


Region 3 and 6 of Sydney’s metropolitan bus network has achieved the following Bureau Veritas Certifications:

  • ISO 9001:2015

  • ISO 14001:2015

  • ISO 55001:2014

  • ISO 45001:2018

  • AS-NZS 4801:2001



join the team that's helping to keep sydney on the move


service regions

Transit Systems provides fast, frequent and convenient bus services in the following areas.


Leichhardt Depot

230-240 Balmain Road, Leichhardt, NSW 2040


(02) 8118 7102



284 Parramatta Road, Burwood NSW 2134


(02) 8118 7102


TEMPE depot

745-763 Princes Hwy, Tempe, NSW 2044


(02) 8118 7102



17-19 Richland Street, Kingsgrove, NSW 2208


(02) 8118 7102


Bankstown Depot

127 Link Road, Bankstown Aerodrome, NSW 2200


(02) 8778 5802


Macquarie Fields Depot

66 Atchison Road, Macquarie Fields NSW 2564


(02) 9123 8620



49 Percival Road, Smithfield, NSW 2164


(02) 8778 5800


South Granville Depot

24 Ferndell Street,South Granville NSW 2142


(02) 8778 5802


smeaton grange Depot

5 Anzac Avenue, Smeaton Grange NSW 2567


(02) 9123 8620



Lot 2, Airfield Drive, Len Waters Estate, NSW 2171


(02) 8778 5800


bradbury Depot

37 College Street,Bradbury NSW 2560


(02) 9123 8620


Comprehensive driver training programs to help you become a skilled and confident bus driver. Start your journey with Transit Academy today!

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